Instagram has launched IGTV for users to create 1-hour video uploads.

Instagram has launched an application that will allow uses to create and upload videos of up to 1 hour. This application is known as IGTV.

Instagram will roll out and update on it application that will allow users to access this feature from a button on the home screen. This was announced by the CEO of instagram in San Francisco. He made a comment saying "It is time for video to move forward and evolve".

The app will allow a user to watch long videos from their favorite celebrities and even allow a any user to create and upload a video. IGTV will also let creators develop Instagram Channels full of their different videos that people can subscribe to. Creators can place links in the description of their videos to drive traffic elsewhere.

IGTV will complete with YouTube with the release of the app which is now available to android and IOS users world wide mean while there are no ads on the app and IGTV isnt going to pay any user directly for creating videos. The CEO explained that since creators are investing a lot of time into IGTV videos, he wants to make that sustainable by offering them a way to monetize in the future.
